Here Lies “Hello There”

a short story by Gabriel Coats

A dark winter morning, it was. Despite the terrible chill that spread it’s fingers across the town, though, only a quick frost of snow had chilled the region for the entire winter season of 2040. Alas, no laughter in the streets was made at all; yea, only shivering and clattering of teeth, as well as the occasional “Brr,” those few brave souls uttered.

The moon, at this moment making its descent toward the horizon, cast ghostly shadows across the lonely sidewalks and upon the ominous tombstones. The sun would still not rise, though, for at least an hour or more. This made the graveyard’s spookiness all the more greater.

No, this isn’t a story of hated ones seeking vengeance from beyond the grave, nor is this about risen dead overthrowing an entire town. Nay, this is not so, for this graveyard does not contain men and women who have fallen asleep. Of a truth, this particular graveyard holds buried, forgotten, and plain dead ideas. Ideas, such as anything from old customs and ancient sayings, to forgotten trends and overused internet memes.

On this morning, a single man made his way to this graveyard. He dressed in a tan overcoat, with a gray ball cap atop his head. The very same hat outlined his chosen hair style, combed over atop his tall and narrow head. This man, Gabriel Coats, had an appointment with one grave in particular. He lowered his head toward the ground, desperate to keep anyone or anything from seeing him and perhaps identifying him. If I am to be discovered, especially in front of that one grave, he thought, I would be mocked for having fondness over a dead meme.

He carefully opened the clad black, iron gate, and softly walked through the graveyard. He passed by several names, ones that including such things as the following: “Late Breakfast and Early Supper – Time of Colonial America,” “This is fine. – 2010-2034” and lastly, a more recent addition, “Pickle in Christmas Tree – late 1800s to 2039”. Ignoring the others, he kept his pace until he arrived at the one grave he had gone to this town for, which was “Hello there – 2005-2038”.

Gabriel kneeled before it, his legs now shivering upon resting on the chilling pavement. “My old friend,” he said in a whisper that was close to inaudible. “We meet again at last. The circle is now complete. When you left me, I was but a learner—well, actually, I was more than a learner. I was the master of quoting, ‘Hello there.’ I digress. Now, I am a different master: a master of hiding my excessive love for… you know, the movie from which you originated. Anyway, I have a few things that I need to say. You were a great joke, and a quick, witty, one-liner. No one else but I may do so, but I will miss you. Goodbye, my old friend,” that last word dipping into the sauce of sorrow.

He arose, and began to leave, when suddenly, a hand gripped his right ankle. In sudden panic, he turned his head around to see the features of such hand, and noted that it was fully coated with flesh, and it’s beige cloth covering the elbow seemed brand new. Despite that, though, it was coming from the ground, and this fact alone scared Gabriel the most. Trying to run, he fell onto the ground. Therefore, he opted to try to loosen the hands gripped, yet could not, for a second hand reached out from beneath the grass and grabbed his right hand. Gabriel struggled to escape the grasp of the other, until at last Gabriel’s left foot found its footing, and pushed the him away from the tombstone. However, the grip by the other was not loosened one bit; thus a head was pulled out from the ground, followed by a body. The head’s scalp and jaw was lined with red hair, and the torso was a continuation of the tan cloth, which appeared to be a tunic. The legs were not seen, still stuck in the ground. It was no matter, for Gabriel knew at once who this man was.

“Hello there,” Obi-Wan said, his blue eyes twinkling with charm, and his mouth forming a sly smirk. It was as if he had risen from out of the very scene in which he said the two aforementioned words. All of this petrified Gabriel in fright. Then, as suddenly as he had risen, he slipped back down into the ground, and the ground reformed itself as though the experience had never taken place.

“General Kenobi!” Gabriel gasped.

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